  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


Communication Protocol

Page history last edited by Kevin Cheng 15 years, 2 months ago

Ways to Reach Me

Kevin Cheng
Gtalk: kevnull
Yahoo: kevnull
AIM: kevc75
MSN: kevnull
txt: +1.415.671.____


If We've Never Met …

For Permission

To republish a comic, an article, a photo, etc., email me.


For Information / Inquiries

On a potential job, you need a job, other opportunities, an interview, email me.


If We've Met … 


IM me. In the order of service preference listed above. Even if I'm offline (which I very rarely am).


To find out where I am

Txt me or check my foursquare


Telephone: Use Rarely

Per Tantek, it's extremely interruptive and nearly always rude. Txt first. Exceptions:

  • after a few txt messages back and forth
  • trying to coordinate meeting somewhere within the near future (usu < 24hrs)
  • of course, emergencies or time-sensitive (that doesn't include "are you free to join us right now?)


Inspired and borrowed heavily from Tantek Çelik.

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